Instrumenta Musica

Instrumenta Musica are dedicated not only to the performance of instrumental music, but equally to large-group sacred and secular music with vocal ensembles from the late-Renaissance to the Baroque. The historical instruments used for this purpose are based on the instrument classifications that were described by Michael Praetorius in his Syntagma Musicum II in 1619. Instrumenta Musica was founded on the initiative of Ercole Nisini in 2004 while he was studying at the Institut für Alte Musik at the Musikhochschule Trossingen. Ever since then, the ensemble has been performing under the direction of Ercole Nisini or in cooperation with various vocal ensembles, for which festivals, churches and concert halls have been the venues. Many CD productions for Ramée, Querstand, Christophorus, Carus, Rondeau Production and Sony as well as concert recordings and interviews for WDR, SFR (Switzerland), Radio 3 (Italy) and Deutschlandradio have documented the ensemble’s activities.