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Johann Sebastian Bach: Magnificat D major BWV 243

Johann Sebastian Bach:  Magnificat D major BWV 243 

Motetts BWV 225, 229, 227
© 1999 (ROP2001)
total time 71:17

Title available on iTunes

Catalogue no.: ROP2001

EUR 16,95

19 % VAT incl.

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This recording of music by Johann Sebastian Bach features the Magnificat in D major BWV 243, in which the Windsbacher Knabenchor (Windsbach Boys Choir) is joined by the Prager Kammerorchester (Prague Chamber Orchestra) and such renowned soloists as Sibylla Rubens, Rebecca Martin, Markus Schäfer and Klaus Mertens. This is followed by the Windsbacher Knabenchor (Windsbach Boys Choir) first recording of three of Bach's great motets with an instrumental accompaniment, a performance that marks an interesting new departure from the choir’s a cappella tradition.

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