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Music From The Motion Pictures

Music From The Motion Pictures 

© 2016 (KL1518)
Total time 62:22

Title available on iTunes

Catalogue no.: KL1518

EUR 16,95

19 % VAT incl.

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Hardly a musical genre reaches as many enthusiastic listeners as good film music. Where else do contemporary compositions enjoy such widespread popularity with the old and the young alike within so little time? Many a work from centuries ago has suddenly found new public interest after it was put under the best scene of a stirring movie. The popularity of good film music is a phenomenon – and simply put: it’s fun. Howard Griffiths and the Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt are known for presenting offbeat ideas on stage and in their recordings, alongside their top-level classical programmes. This time: Music from the Motion Pictures. They kick it off with drum rolls, timpani and trumpets in the 20th Century Fox Fanfare, followed by the greatest and most exciting themes from Star Wars, James Bond, Pirates of the Caribbean, Vertigo, Schindler’s List, Apocalypse Now and many more. Music from the Motion Pictures is timeless music that turns every living room into a movie theatre.

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