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Tomasz Lis: Impromptus

Tomasz Lis:   Impromptus 

© 2009 (KL1511)
total time: 70:04  

Title available on iTunes

Catalogue no.: KL1511

EUR 16,95

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Franz Schubert, Frédéric Chopin, and Gabriel Fauré – these three names emblematically represent virtuoso piano music. Each of the three composers grappled intensively with the small, but not insignificant musical genre of the impromptu. The London-based, Polish pianist Tomasz Lis has also explored this delicate genre. On his album ‘Impromtus. Schubert – Chopin – Fauré’, he presents the most picturesque examples of the genre, musically uniting Romantic works of early nineteenth century with those of the fin de siècle. These highly demanding impromptus are characterised by a stunning, song-like pithiness, without becoming arbitrary or banal. In the hands of a world-class pianist, they awaken to a unique lightness, seeming exempt from the laws of gravity. Tomasz Lis also explores the pieces’ dark, mysterious facets, which he highlights skilfully. Passionately performed by the young pianist, the twelve impromptus by Franz Schubert, Frédéric Chopin, and Gabriel Fauré seem like a dozen butterflies which constantly move between light and dark in their very own world.

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Classical CD Choice - CD-Review (26.2.2015, Barry Forshaw)

„A very promising debut album from Tomasz Lis, whose approach to these pieces is traditional but full of subtlety and sensitivity.”

Leipziger Volkszeitung - CD-Review (10./ 11. 1.2015, Peter Korfmacher)

„Der in London lebende Tomasz Lis erzählt auf seinem neuen Album die Geschichte der Gattung - von den Anfängen in Schuberts Opus 90, über die gleißenden Juwelen Chopins bis zu den bereits sachte impressionistisch irisierenden Nachfolgewerken Gabriel Faurés. Von der Ruhe her, von der Poesie, vom Traum legt Lis die drei Mal vier Impromptus an, selbst die so oft als auftrumpfendes Virtuosenfutter verstandenen Sätze Chopins. Damit führt er auch diese Meisterwerke zu ihrer Seele zurück - jedenfalls für all die, die so genau fein hinhören, wie Lis artikuliert.”


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