Jugendchor Hochtaunus

The Jugendchor Hochtaunus is a regional youth choir of about 70 singers between the ages of 14 and 25 and meets annually for a week of intensive rehearsals. The choir was founded in 2011 under the auspices of the Johann-Isaak-von-Gerning-Stiftung for Art and Culture in Hohentaunus. Since 2015 the choir has been under the musical direction of Tristan Meister; Veronika Bauer is the organizational and pedagogical director. The choir performs regularly in and around Hochtaunus and the Rhine-Main region, as well as at events such as the German Choir Festival, chor.com and Tage der Chor- und Orchestermusik (Choir and Orchestra Music Days). Within the framework of workshops, the youth choir works together with Matthias E. Becker, Katarina Henryson, Morten Vinther and Frieder Bernius, among others.