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Mainzer Domchor

Mainzer Domchor
The Mainzer Domchor (Mainz Cathedral Choir) is a boys’ choir which unites around one-hundred-and-forty singers across a number of different groups. Ever since the ensemble’s foundation by Bishop Emanuel von Ketteler in 1866, the boys and young men have sung at the Cathedral’s Sunday and Holy Day services without interruption. In addition, their number of concert performances has increased sharply over the past twenty-five years. Concert tours across the globe and appearances at Germany’s important cathedrals and concert halls demonstrate the choir’s wide-spread popularity. Numerous CD and radio productions as well as appearances on television complement the ensemble’s work. The boys’ choir covers a cappella repertoire ranging from Gregorian chant to contemporary works; their repertoire of works with orchestral accompaniment is similarly all-encompassing. The singers meet at the Cathedral’s Chorhaus three times a week in order to study this vast repertoire. Their work is founded on both intensive choral and soloistic vocal coaching. Between 1985 and July 2012, the choir was directed by Domkapellmeister Professor Mathias Breitschaft. In 2012, Karsten Storck took over as artistic director of the Mainzer Domchor.